Worship on Sundays: 9 am and 10:30 am
Timberwood Church is a Bible-based, outreach-oriented church designed to help people experience God’s goodness in their lives. Through teaching and worship, we seek to make the timeless truth of the Bible relevant for everyday life.
The purpose of Timberwood Church is to honor God by making more disciples for Jesus Christ.
Worshipping, serving, celebrating, together.
Timberwood Church has a variety of ministries to meet the needs of the body. Whether it be infants or elders, there is a place to both serve and participate here. The menu on the left can serve as a guide to getting more information about a particular ministry. Please contact the church office if you have any further questions about what is offered here at Timberwood.
Located .9 miles south of Schaefer's on Hwy 371 on the east side of road.